The Blogging dinosaur!
I doubt anyone reads these anyway, but as trendy as one likes to believe they are, I am most definitely not! No blog since 2017!! So what...

Where does the time go?
Over a year has gone by and so much has happened. The new extension was finished by the beginning of the summer and we have some lovely...
Building Works
Our extension is on its way! Not without some hiccoughs but I suppose it would be naive of us to expect otherwise. Currently the car park...

Lake Francesca
We started building the pond in April. Chris (CT Landscapes) got it started on Day 1 and then I took over for the following six days and...

Our Wedding!
Mark and Francesca got married in the Gazebo they made and the garden they created. A very special day!

Mennacuddle Well and our centenary memorial
On November the 2nd we went down to Mennacuddle Well to commemorate the 100 year memorial for Lieutenant Richard Charles Sawle who died...

A spring!
We had great fun on a hired mini digger in October digging out the path under the cliff and putting in supporting gabions. What we did...

Wildlife in the woods
Vast numbers of toadlets and froglets have successfully left the ponds and are literally everywhere! Whenever we have to dig a post hole...

I was pretty excited about the frog tadpoles which are now pretty big which were relocated from the wildlife pond and are now thriving in...

Hedgerows in May
The Cornish hedgerows in May are the best in the world and I don't care if anyone thinks me biased! Bluebells, campion, stitchwort, ferns...